So, I know there are many local artists out there doing their thang... But I want to make mention one group, that I have seen grow from the very beginning. Black Cotton came about a few years back, I would say about 4 to 5 years ago. Let's see, I am 28 years old now, and I first met Nardo (Shad) when I was 21... Long time! From there I met Jimbo Slice (James) and a year or two later on one of our annual Rosarito weekends, I had the pleasure of meeting MarreL (Marlon)... Soon there after I met the infamous Trey! He moved back from Jacksonville and it seemed like BC really got a dose of what they needed to finally get this going. I actually have a demo of when they first started... They would kill me if I let it loose, so don't ask to hear it! LOL... I have had the pleasure of sitting in on a recording session in the basement of Nardo's house and really get to see the passion behind the music, first hand. At first I was thinking, "Oh this is a cool hobby for these guys"... But, I was wrong... It's much more than a hobby, it's their life! Their sound to ME, I would say is a mix of PM Dawn, cause it's so nice to just chill to... With a twist of Slum Village... for Cruisin' in your ride.
Nardo, I would have to say is the confident, but sweet teddy bear. Jimbo is the sensible, business minded, comedian. MarreL is just straight smooth. Trey Peezy, is a hustla and a gentleman. I had the opportunity to work a bit as their makeup artist on their last video shoot, "Something About It" on their new "Keys To The Suite" album, and I had a great time... I told them next time I want to be in the video, not behind the scenes! ;)
Take time to peep their blog,, and hit 'em up on Facebook! I love my boys to death and am excited to be apart of their lives and this amazing journey!

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