
The Feeling....

My most vivid memory of growing up was how I felt in my home.  Christmas time has always been and always will be my favorite time of year.  My mom has a way of making things beautiful.  From the room I am sitting in to the kitchen table set for dinner; it was always beautiful.  Christmas time was always where she went the extra mile to make certain it was extra special for me.  One specific day during the holidays, I remember walking down the stairs and stopping at the landing.  A fire was burning, the essence of cinnamon and spice filled the air and a Christmas movie was playing.  I stood in that spot and just took it all in... It was "the feeling".  I said this out loud, too.  "I have the feeling!"  With all that being said, everyone in my life knows about "the feeling":christmas music, holiday drinks, shopping malls at Christmas, Christmas trees, lights, scented candles smelling of pumpkin, cinnamon and pine... I could go on and on. 
I have a daughter who is about to be 4 years old on Friday, December 2nd.  She loves Christmas just like I do, and just like her grandma.  I told myself that I will make sure to make my home a place as magical for my daughter as my mom made it for me.  ESPECIALLY during the holidays.  Here are some pictures of my place this year for Christmas.  Enjoy!

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