

2014 is upon us.  I am so excited about this year and all it has to offer!  I got my manicurist license last April and I have started a career as a nail technician.  I am also still working as a freelance makeup artist.  I am my own boss and I choose my own hours.  This is so great, but also very challenging as far as making enough money to actually save and grow.  I have learned this past year and the beginning of this year to really put my faith in God, and let him supply my needs.  I am not making much, but I am happy and my needs are being met.I have more time for my daughter and family.  I am focused on making a better life and really expanding in my area of expertise!  With that being said, I will continue to blog on here... It has been way too long and I have added more recent videos to my Youtube.  This will start to be part of my daily routine... I am also excited about my friends who also have blogs and you tube channels coming out!  Go get em girls!


Lo Lo


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