
Then & Now... A Rise To Greatness!

So, I know there are many local artists out there doing their thang... But I want to make mention one group, that I have seen grow from the very beginning.  Black Cotton came about a few years back, I would say about 4 to 5 years ago.  Let's see, I am 28 years old now, and I first met Nardo (Shad) when I was 21... Long time!  From there I met Jimbo Slice (James) and a year or two later on one of our annual Rosarito weekends, I had the pleasure of meeting MarreL (Marlon)... Soon there after I met the infamous Trey!  He moved back from Jacksonville and it seemed like BC really got a dose of what they needed to finally get this going.  I actually have a demo of when they first started... They would kill me if I let it loose, so don't ask to hear it!  LOL...  I have had the pleasure of sitting in on a recording session in the basement of Nardo's house and really get to see the passion behind the music, first hand.  At first I was thinking, "Oh this is a cool hobby for these guys"... But, I was wrong... It's much more than a hobby, it's their life!  Their sound to ME, I would say is a mix of PM Dawn, cause it's so nice to just chill to... With a twist of Slum Village... for Cruisin' in your ride. 
Nardo, I would have to say is the confident, but sweet teddy bear.  Jimbo is the sensible, business minded, comedian.  MarreL is just straight smooth.  Trey Peezy, is a hustla and a gentleman.  I had the opportunity to work a bit as their makeup artist on their last video shoot, "Something About It" on their new "Keys To The Suite" album, and I had a great time... I told them next time I want to be in the video, not behind the scenes!  ;) 
Take time to peep their blog, http://itsallbc.blogspot.com/, and hit 'em up on Facebook!  I love my boys to death and am excited to be apart of their lives and this amazing journey!


Lo Lo

1 comment:

JimboSlice said...

Damn LoLo! I never knew... just playin gurl. You been down since day one and we greatly appreciate it. You are amazing artist in your own right and we plan on working with again very soon. After this write up, we may have to pay you this time! HAHAHA! just kidding. Much love for the love and keep doin your thang LoLo! BC Loves you!